Residential Sellers

On any given day, hundreds of residential properties are listed for sale in the greater Claremont-Upland area. While that’s an attractive situation for buyers, it can be a significant burden for sellers. After all, how can you distinguish your home from the many others available on the market?

Without question, the key to breaking through the clutter is a knowledgeable, capable realtor. With a skilled agent working on your behalf, you greatly reduce the difficulty of making a sale. You also help ensure that you get top dollar for your valuable holdings.

In Claremont and Upland, call on Mike Mendez Realty for complete, effective support your upcoming home sale. Mike specializes in the ins and outs of the local residential market. Together with his standing as a First Team Broker Associate, this tight focus helps establish a targeted sales strategy. In turn, Mike’s targeted approach helps you reach your financial goals and your selling timetable.


Listing Consultation

The journey of selling your residential property begins with an initial meeting called a listing consultation. During this consultation, your real estate agent will make an assessment of your home. A thorough evaluation includes both the building and the land it sits on. With this information in hand, your agent can determine which features to highlight when creating a listing. Also, you’ll receive suggestions on how to make your property more appealing to potential buyers. During the listing consultation, we  seek to understand your ideal outcome as a seller.

We perform a comprehensive listing consultation that gets your sale started on the proper footing. When this consultation is concluded, you’ll have a clear picture of what to expect going forward. Mike will also have a clear understanding of your ultimate goals as sellers.

Property Pricing

Accurate pricing is perhaps the most critical service your realtor can provide. Price your property too high for the market, and you’ll lose prospective buyers. Price your property too low, and you can take a big bite out of your potential profits. To set the right pricing for your specific market, real estate agents must do their homework. That includes understanding the local housing situation in extensive detail. It also involves understanding any unique factors that may impact the sale of your property in particular.

Mike Mendez supports your sale with a pricing procedure that meets the highest industry standards. The heart of this procedure is a comparative market analysis or CMA. A CMA is designed to examine the selling prices of comparable properties in your area. The completed study makes it possible to maximize your price without scaring off potential buyers. Mike backs up his work with his own detailed knowledge of Claremont, Upland, and neighboring communities.

Property Marketing

Even if you set an appropriate price, it can be nearly impossible to sell your property without proper marketing. Any effective marketing efforts should begin with high-quality photos of your home. This is especially true in today’s interconnected, online world.

Mike Mendez Realty features a multi-pronged marketing approach designed to get your property seen. Mike tailors his efforts to meet the needs of each individual seller. This means that you’ll receive the best possible support for your unique situation. That’s true whether you’re selling a single-family home, condominium, townhouse or multi-family home.


Review of Buyer Qualifications

Almost anyone can spot your property listing and express interest as a buyer. However, what you really want are qualified buyers. People in this more limited category have the demonstrated ability to follow through on their offers. At a minimum, that means submitting a credit report and verification of income and employment. Ideally, it also means having pre-approval from a lending institution.

With assistance from Mike Mendez, you can narrow down the field of prospective buyers to the most qualified candidates. This will help you avoid undue stress throughout the sale process. It will also allow you to act with confidence when reviewing the offers you receive.

Negotiation of Sale Terms

One of the primary reasons for hiring a realtor is getting the best possible price for your property. As a rule, that goal hinges on skilled negotiation of the terms of sale. To negotiate effectively, realtors must understand the true worth of your holdings. They must also know how to respond during the inevitable back-and-forth of the negotiating process. Above all, your realtor must serve your interests at all times, rather than some other agenda.


Mike Mendez specializes in client-focused sales negotiations. Throughout the process, he acts as your advocate while seeking to provide optimal results. He also maintains open lines of communication that allow you to make any changes required by you, the client.

Your Resource for Residential Home Sales

Need an advocate in your corner for your Claremont or Upland residential sale? Just turn to your local providers at Mike Mendez Realty. For every client, Mike combines top-notch communication with a full slate of professional services. The end result for you is a transparent process and a smoother, more reliable selling experience.

For more information, call Mike Mendez Realty today. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have! You can also schedule an appointment at your convenience.

A Real Estate Agent You Can Trust



Mike’s hands-on style extends throughout every phase of your home-buying journey. As a result, his streamlined procedures allow you to conduct your search with a minimum of fuss and hassle.


Free Property Appraisals

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He provides a custom tailored report suited to your needs and answers all your questions.



Mike Mendez Realty is your hometown advantage for effective, lucrative property sales in the Claremont region. At all times, Mike and his team follow best practices for professional realtors.

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